Some roof issues are easy to spot, but other damage may be more difficult to notice. Here are a few signs it’s time for a roof replacement.

Inspect the Roof

Check your roof at least twice each year to look for damage and defects. Safely using a ladder, access the roof’s exterior to inspect the roofing materials. From inside, examine for damage or leaks within the attic. It is recommended that you hire a professional to carry out a thorough inspection because they have the knowledge and experience to identify issues.

Sagging Roofline

Another indication that your roof is worn out and needs to be replaced is a drooping or curved roofline. The rooflines should be straight. If your roof is sagging, it’s important to determine why. A framing problem might cause a sagging roofline, but it may also result from a water-damaged roof deck. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace the roof to resolve the issue.

Evidence of Water Damage

Look for indicators of water damage and leaks. Both can be unsightly and harmful to your roof in the long run, so they should be promptly addressed. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need a roof replacement.

Discolored Shingles Can Indicate it’s Time for a Roof Replacement

Examine the color uniformity of your roof as you check for anomalies. Are there sections where the wear and tear are more apparent? You may see darker shingles stained from leaf debris. Others could be discolored from moss or algae growth. Color changes associated with a roof nearing the end of its lifespan are indications that you need a new roof.

Storm Damage

Storm damage is one of the most common reasons for a roof replacement. Severe weather, hail, ice storms, and winds associated with tornadoes and hurricanes can wreak havoc on your roof. High-speed winds easily dislodge shingles and strip them away from the roof. When high winds are followed by rainfall or snow, moisture will seep into the roofing system and may cause water damage.

Aging Materials May Mean You Need a Roof Replacement

A roof’s lifespan is generally between 20 and 25 years. If your roof is approaching or has passed its end-of-life date, call a roofing contractor for an estimate. You will usually have two options: fully replace the roof, or overlay the existing shingles with new ones. The better option is always to remove the old roof and replace it with all new shingles.

Installing new shingles over the old ones is usually less expensive than a full roof replacement and will improve the appearance of your house. However, it’s generally preferable to remove the old roofing materials before installing new ones. Completely replacing the materials gives you a chance to identify any underlying issues, plus an entirely new roof has a longer lifespan than an overlay.

Delta Home Inspection offers home inspections in Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama. Contact us to schedule our services.